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Excel Tips - 2º Exemplo de 5 Coisas Legais para se fazer com o Data Explorer - Example 2 from 5 Cool Things You Can Do With Data Explorer

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Caros, que tal aprendermos mais um exemplo de utilização do
 Add-in Data Explorer.

Este add-in serve para o Excel 2010 e o Excel 2013 e pode ser baixado aqui.

Data Explorer abrirá uma nova opção no Menu e através dela poderemos importar e transformar uma ampla variedade de dados de fontes distintas. Além das fontes de dados padrão como o Microsoft AccessSQL Server e Arquivos de Texto.

Data Explorer permitirá a importação de fontes tais como o Active DirectoryAzureOData e Hadoop.

Através deste post veremos mais um exemplo de com usar o Data Explorer.

2º Exemplo - Manipulating Data Feeds

Data Explorer has a mechanism to allow you to search for random web data that may be out there.

For example, suppose I wanted to know how many radio stations in Maryland are sports stations? I can find that information using Data Explorer.


I click on the Online Search command and put in my search term "radio stations maryland".

I immediately see a list of approximate matches. Clicking on one lets me see the data on my spreadsheet.


I like what I see so I call up the query window.

Here, I can choose to hide all but the Format column.


Next, I can Remove Duplicates.


Finally, I'll add a "Count of Rows" column to the table by using the Group By feature.


After confirming my changes, I get a data table that answers my question. There are 9 radio stations in Maryland that are sports stations.

This is unbelievably good stuff. With a few clicks, I searched the internet, found some base data, and manipulated it to suite my needs.


Tags: VBA, Data, Tip, Excel, Add-in, Data Explorer, Active Directory, Azure, OData, Hadoop, 

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