Às vezes queremos usar algum recurso do Office e simplesmente temos um branco e não conseguimos nos lembrar onde aquele funcionalidade está.
Há muitas décadas já existem os Cartões de Referência Rápida (Quick Reference Card). E são uma mão na roda tanto para nos ajudar a fixar onde determinada funcionalidade fica, quanto para lembrarmos quando estamos com muita pressa.
Neste post estou listando diversos QRCs (Quick Reference Card), espero que gostem, usem e indiquem este post para outros.
Neste caso estou disponibilizando um pacote de referências rápidas. Muitos projetos são implementado utilizando-se o Microsoft Project 2010. Este aplicativo não faz parte da suíte MS Office, mas certamente será uma boa contribuição para aqueles que o utilizam extensivamente.
Este pacote é composto por:
Nessas referências encontrarão:Microsoft Project 2010 Quick Reference Card: Interface Elements and Keyboard ShortcutsMicrosoft Project 2010 Quick Reference Card: Task RibbonMicrosoft Project 2010 Quick Reference Card: Resource RibbonMicrosoft Project 2010 Quick Reference Card: Project RibbonMicrosoft Project 2010 Quick Reference Card: View RibbonMicrosoft Project 2010 Quick Reference Card: Assignment Variables and the Assignment EquationMicrosoft Project 2010 Quick Reference Card: Task Types
Main interface elements shown:Ribbon TabsRibbon MenuQuick Access ToolbarCustomize Quick Access ToolbarTitle BarWindow MinimizeWindow MaximizeExit Application: AVOIDClose Schedule: AVOIDMinimize RibbonHelpRestore WindowTimeline ViewTimeline Vertical ScrollbarTimeline Horizontal ScrollbarHorizontal Window Split BarView BarTask TableSelect AllTask Row HeadersColumn HeadersTask Table Horizontal ScrollbarVertical View Split BarGantt ChartGantt Chart TimescaleGantt Chart Horizontal ScrollbarGantt Chart Vertical ScrollbarCell ModeNew Tasks SelectorStatus BarView ShortcutsZoom SliderKeyboard shortcuts shown:
[F1]: Help[F2]: Enable direct data entry in cell[F3]: Clear any applied filters[F5] or [Ctrl]+[G]: Open 'Go To' dialog[F6]: Toggle between split window panes[F7]: Open 'Spelling' dialog[F8]: Turn on / off Extend Selection mode[F9]: Force calculation[F11] or [Alt]+[F1]: Create new blank project[F12] or [Alt]+[F2]: Open 'Save As' dialog[Alt]+[F3]: Open 'Field Settings' dialog[Alt]+[F4]: Close project schedule[Alt]+[F5]: Go to next overallocation[Alt]+[F8]: Open 'Macros' dialog[Alt]+[F10]: Open 'Assign Resources' dialog[Shift]+[F2]: Open 'Task Information' dialog[Shift]+[F3]: Remove all groupings[Shift]+[F5] or [Ctrl]+[F]: Open 'Find' dialog[Shift]+[F6]: Activate split bar[Shift]+[F10]: Show Ribbon keyboard shortcuts[Shift]+[F11]: Open project in new window[Ctrl]+[F2]: Link selected tasks[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[F2]: Unlink selected tasks[Ctrl]+[F9]: Turn on / off auto-calculation[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[M]: Manually schedule task[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[A]: Auto schedule task[Ctrl]+[H]: Open 'Replace' dialog[Ctrl]+[N]: Create new blank project[Ctrl]+[O]: Open 'Open' dialog[Ctrl]+[P]: Display 'Print' page[Ctrl]+[S]: Save project[Insert]: Insert new task[Delete]: Delete cell contents or line[Alt]+[Shift]+[Right Arrow]: Indent task[Alt]+[Shift]+[Left Arrow]: Outdent task[Ctrl]+[/]: Zoom in[Ctrl]+[*]: Zoom out[Alt]+[Left Arrow]: Scroll timescale left[Alt]+[Right Arrow]: Scroll timescale right[Alt]+[Page Up]: Scroll timescale left 1 page[Alt]+[Page Down]: Scroll timescale right 1 page[Alt]+[Home]: Scroll timescale to project start[Alt]+[End]: Scroll timescale to project finish[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[F5]: Scroll to task on Gantt Chart[Alt]+[Shift]+[-]: Hide subtasks[Alt]+[Shift]+[+]: Show subtasks[Alt]+[Shift]+[*]: Show all subtasksTask Ribbon commands shown:View Ribbon Group: Gantt ChartClipboard Ribbon Group: PasteClipboard Ribbon Group: CutClipboard Ribbon Group: CopyClipboard Ribbon Group: Format PainterFont Ribbon Group: FontFont Ribbon Group: Font SizeFont Ribbon Group: BoldFont Ribbon Group: ItalicFont Ribbon Group: UnderlineFont Ribbon Group: Background ColorFont Ribbon Group: Font ColorSchedule Ribbon Group: % CompleteSchedule Ribbon Group: Mark on TrackSchedule Ribbon Group: Respect LinksSchedule Ribbon Group: Outdent TaskSchedule Ribbon Group: Indent TaskSchedule Ribbon Group: Split TaskSchedule Ribbon Group: Link TasksSchedule Ribbon Group: Unlink TasksSchedule Ribbon Group: Activate / Inactivate Selected TasksTasks Ribbon Group: Manually ScheduleTasks Ribbon Group: Auto ScheduleTasks Ribbon Group: InspectTasks Ribbon Group: Move TaskTasks Ribbon Group: Schedule ModeInsert Ribbon Group: Insert TaskInsert Ribbon Group: Insert Summary TaskInsert Ribbon Group: Insert MilestoneInsert Ribbon Group: Manage Deliverables and DependenciesProperties Ribbon Group: Task InformationProperties Ribbon Group: Task NotesProperties Ribbon Group: Display Task DetailsProperties Ribbon Group: Add Task to TimelineEditing Ribbon Group: Scroll to TaskEditing Ribbon Group: FindEditing Ribbon Group: ClearEditing Ribbon Group: FillResource Ribbon commands shown:View Ribbon Group: Team PlannerAssignments Ribbon Group: Assign ResourcesAssignments Ribbon Group: Resource PoolAssignments Ribbon Group: Substitute ResourcesInsert Ribbon Group: Add ResourcesProperties Ribbon Group: Resource InformationProperties Ribbon Group: Resource NotesProperties Ribbon Group: Display Resource DetailsLevel Ribbon Group: Level SelectionLevel Ribbon Group: Level ResourceLevel Ribbon Group: Level AllLevel Ribbon Group: Leveling OptionsLevel Ribbon Group: Clear LevelingLevel Ribbon Group: Go To Next OverallocationProject Ribbon commands shown:Insert Ribbon Group: Insert SubprojectProperties Ribbon Group: Project InformationProperties Ribbon Group: Custom FieldsProperties Ribbon Group: Links Between ProjectsProperties Ribbon Group: WBSProperties Ribbon Group: Change Working TimeSchedule Ribbon Group: Calculate ProjectSchedule Ribbon Group: Set BaselineSchedule Ribbon Group: Move ProjectStatus Ribbon Group: Status DateStatus Ribbon Group: Update ProjectStatus Ribbon Group: Synchronize to Protected ActualsReports Ribbon Group: Visual ReportsReports Ribbon Group: ReportsReports Ribbon Group: Compare ProjectsProofing Ribbon Group: SpellingView Ribbon commands shown:Task Views Ribbon Group: Gantt ChartTask Views Ribbon Group: Task UsageTask Views Ribbon Group: Network DiagramTask Views Ribbon Group: CalendarTask Views Ribbon Group: Other ViewsResource Views Ribbon Group: Team PlannerResource Views Ribbon Group: Resource UsageResource Views Ribbon Group: Resource SheetResource Views Ribbon Group: Other ViewsData Ribbon Group: SortData Ribbon Group: Show OutlineData Ribbon Group: TablesData Ribbon Group: HighlightData Ribbon Group: FilterData Ribbon Group: Group ByZoom Ribbon Group: TimescaleZoom Ribbon Group: ZoomZoom Ribbon Group: Zoom Entire ProjectZoom Ribbon Group: Zoom Selected TasksSplit View Ribbon Group: Timeline ViewSplit View Ribbon Group: Timeline ViewsSplit View Ribbon Group: Details ViewSplit View Ribbon Group: Detail ViewsWindow Ribbon Group: New WindowWindow Ribbon Group: Switch WindowsWindow Ribbon Group: Arrange AllWindow Ribbon Group: Hide WindowMacros Ribbon Group: View MacrosResource Assignment Variables shown:Work: The number of hours of real work effort spent performing a task.Duration: The amount of working time between the start date and the finish date of a task.
Assignment Units: The percentage of a resource's typical workday spent performing a task.The formula that controls the relationship between these three assignment variables in the Microsoft Project scheduling engine.Task Type Details shown:Fixed Work: A task for which Microsoft Project attempts to hold the work effort fixed.Fixed Duration: A task for which Microsoft Project attempts to hold the duration fixed.
Fixed Units: A task for which Microsoft Project attempts to hold the assignment units fixed.Detailed explanations of each type of task and examples of situations in which you should use each Task Type.
References: epmarchitects.com
Tags: Tips, Microsoft, Office 2010, Microsoft Project 2010, QRC, Quick Reference Card, Cartão de Referência Rápida, Pack