Excel VBA - Lista de Constantes e Respectivos Valores - List of Excel Charting Constants and Enumerations for VBA
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Sub ExAddingNewChartforSelectedData_ChartObjects_Add_Method()
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=300, Width:=300, Top:=10, Height:=300)
.Chart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Temp").Range("C5:D7")
End With
End Sub
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Sub ExAddingNewChartforSelectedData_Charts_Add_Method_InSheet()
ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="Sheet1"
End Sub
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End Sub
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'Here is the other method to add charts using Chart Object. It will add a new chart for the selected data as new chart sheet.
Sub ExAddingNewChartforSelectedData_Charts_Add_Method_SheetChart()
End Sub
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Option Explicit
Sub macro1()ActiveWorkbook.Close FalseEnd Sub
Let Application.DisplayAlerts = FalseLet Activeworkbook.close ([VBYes])Let Application.DisplayAlerts = True
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